4 Week Home Workout Plan

If you’re looking to start a new fitness regimen or schedule, you might be considering joining a gym. While this can certainly boost your workout potential as a beginner, it’s also important to understand that you don’t need tons of equipment (or no equipment at all, really) to get a great workout in.

In fact, you can build muscle, increase tone, and burn fat very efficiently and effectively from the comfort of home.


Exercising at home; squat pulses

Benefits of Exercising from Home

Some of the biggest perks to at-home workouts are as follows:

  1. You use way less time. Traveling to and from the gym, checking in, waiting for equipment to be available, these all add up to likely double or more the time it would take you to get a comparable workout in at home. Who has time for that in their schedule?
  2. You don’t need any equipment at all. Though lots of home workouts can certainly be pumped up with some inexpensive hand weights, you need very little or no specialized equipment or space to work out at home.
  3. Your options are limitless. From HIIT, to circuit training, to yoga, home workouts can take you anywhere. Especially with the plethora of workout video content out there, you can feel like you are in a class right in your living room.
  4. You can be more consistent. It’s so much easier to convince yourself to simply stand up, change clothes, and start a workout than it is to motivate yourself to plan your daily schedule around getting to the gym. Home workouts can mean more frequent and regular workouts, which means better results!

When considering home workouts, we want you to know that strength training is not only possible, but highly effective and recommended. Effective strength training techniques at home will lead to more lean body mass and a healthier overall body style.

As a woman, even a woman who is a fitness beginner, home strength training is imperative. Couple strength training with cardio, and you are well on your way to having a well-rounded and effective fitness routine right at home.

Weight Training

Weight, strength, and resistance training really all mean the same thing. You are using your muscles while an outside force is acting upon them. With a weight, you are picking up a physical (typically heavy) object and moving against its gravitational pull on your muscles. This causes stress in the muscle fibers and, in turn, causes them to grow stronger.

When strength training at home, you have several options for how to create resistance. You can use your own bodyweight, also known as bodyweight training. These would be exercises like HIIT and Yoga that don’t tend to use weights. You can also use free weights that you keep at home, resistance bands, and even alternative weight sources like household objects.

Building an effective strength training program from home means first deciding what, if any, equipment you plan on using. If you’re a beginner, you may decide to start with the very basics and include no weights at all. Here, we will provide you with an all-levels workout that can be done at home either with equipment or without.

Exercising with resistence or exercise bandResistence or exercise bands are versatile, convenient and effective, perfect for home use.

What You’ll Need

When you’re ready to give this workout a try, you’ll need to prepare a comfortable space for training. Find a place in your home that has some room for you to move and make sure that you have any equipment you’ll require handy.

You don’t need any equipment at all to do our workout routine, but here are some items that may be helpful:

  • an exercise mat
  • resistance bands or tubing
  • dumbbells
  • a kettlebell
  • a stable bench or chair
  • a medicine ball

Extra Tips

Here are some additional tips for starting a strength training routine:

  • Make sure to work all the major muscle groups at least twice a week.
  • Practice warming up for about 5 minutes prior to strength training, cooling down and stretching for about 10 minutes after, and allowing at least one day of rest in between training sessions.
  • Don’t be afraid to increase weight or reps when you feel an exercise is too easy.
  • If you’ve had joint repair or replacement surgery, check with your surgeon before doing lower body exercises.
  • Never jerk or throw weights into position. Aim for slow, methodical movement. This not only helps prevent injury, but also helps ensure that your muscles work harder.
  • Maintain slight bends in knees and elbows much of the time during strength training.
  • You can also practice purposeful breathing techniques like blowing air out when you are exerting yourself and taking air in when your muscles are relaxing.
  • Muscle soreness and acute fatigue are quite normal when you are new to strength training. Symptoms may last a few days. However, if you feel over exhausted, extreme soreness or pain, you may need extra rest or a doctor’s visit.
  • None of the exercises you do should cause pain. Your range of motion will make it very clear where to stop. Do not try to go past this point.

Chest and Triceps


Chest Press

8-12 reps or 30 second interval

  • Lie on your back either on the floor or across a bench. Begin with arms extended to the sides at the shoulder and elbows bent at 90 degrees. Press your hands up and together over your chest.

Decline Push-up

(with bench and floor) 8-12 reps or 45 second interval

  • Position yourself in an elevated plank position with your feet up on a solid bench, chair, or other stable surface. Lower your chest toward the floor before pressing up to a high plank again.

Triceps Kickbacks

8-12 reps or 30 second interval

  • Begin standing with feet hip distance and a slight bend in the knees. Hinge slightly forward at the hip and tuck your elbows into your ribs. Press your hands back and up, squeezing your triceps at the top.

Superset 1

Chest Fly

8-12 reps or 30 second interval

  • Lie face-up on the floor or over a bench. Spread your hands wide with a slight bend in the elbow. Maintain your arm positioning while you bring your hands together up over your chest.

Triceps Push-up

8-12 reps or 45 second interval

  • Start in a standard pushup position but with hands only shoulder distance apart. When pressing down toward the floor, aim your elbows straight backward so that they brush against your ribs. Press upward in the same fashion.

Superset 2

Staggered Hand Push-ups

8-12 reps or 45 second interval

  • Get into pushup position. Stagger your hands so that one is a few inches in front of the other. Perform pushups with hands positioned this way before alternating which hand is in front.

Triceps Dips

8-12 reps or 30 second interval

  • Using a bench, chair, or other stable surface, position your body facing away from it and place your hands on the edge facing outward. Lower your body toward the floor by bending your elbows straight back behind you and press back up to straight.



Sumo Squat

15-20 reps or 30 second interval

  • Stand with legs spread wide and toes angle outward slightly. Lower down into a squat before returning to a straight-leg position.

Lateral Lunge

15-20 reps or 45 second interval

  • Begin standing with feet hip distance apart. Step to the side and lunge sideways so that your lunging leg bends straight forward and your other leg is fully extended. Come back to standing and repeat on the other side.

Calf Raise

15-20 reps or 30 second interval

  • While standing firmly with feet hip distance apart, raise up onto your toes and hover there for a second or two. Lower back down before repeating.

Superset 1


15-20 reps or 30 second interval

  • Begin standing with feet hip distance apart. Slowly lower your chest towards the floor while keeping your back straight and your shoulders lifted. Lower until you feel you have to bend your back or knees to continue, stop there, and slowly lift back up maintaining positioning.

Step ups

(on bench or sturdy chair) 15-20 reps or 45 second interval

  • Stand in front of a bench, chair, or other sturdy surface. Step one foot up, bring the other to meet it, and lower back down in reverse order. Example: right up, left up, right down, left down.

Superset 2

Lateral Leg Raises

15-20 reps or 45 second interval

  • Begin standing (you can use a chair for balance). Raise one leg straight out to the side as high as possible without compromising body positioning. Slowly lower back down before repeating.

Glute Bridge

15-20 reps or 30 second interval

  • Laying on your back with feet positioned below your knees, press your hips up toward the ceiling while squeezing your glutes and hamstrings.



Bicycle Crunch

15-20 reps or 30 second interval

  • Lie on your back with knees up and bent at 90 degrees. Kick one leg out and bring the opposite knee toward your chest simultaneously. Crunch your opposite shoulder toward the knee over your chest and switch each time.

Russian Twist

15-20 reps or 30 second interval

  • Start seated with feet planted on the floor. Lean back until your abs are engaged. Twist side to side tapping the floor near each hip.


30-60 second interval

  • Assume the plank position that suits you best: knees and hands, hands and toes, elbows and toes, or elbows and knees. Keeping your back straight and your abs engaged, hold this position.

Superset 1

Standing Oblique Crunch

15-20 reps or 45 second interval

  • Begin standing with feet hip distance apart. Lean toward one side while squeezing your core. For added challenge, you can also raise the corresponding leg.

Inch Worm

15-20 reps or 45 second interval

  • From a standing position, bring your hands to the floor by bending at the hip. Walk your hands away from your feet until you are in a plank position. Walk your hands back toward your feet and come up to standing.

Superset 2

Plank Jacks

15-20 reps or 30 second interval

  • From a plank position, jump your feet out and in like a jumping jack. Alternatively, tap one foot at a time outward and back in before switching feet.

Scissor Kicks

15-20 reps or 30 second interval

    Lie on your back with feet straight up in the air. Scissor your feet apart and together while keeping them elevated off of the floor and alternating which leg goes up and down.

Back & Shoulders


Bent-over Rows

8-12 reps or 30 second interval

  • Stand with feet hip distance apart and bend forward at the hip. Keep your chest lifted and back straight. Start with your hands near your knees and bring them up toward your armpits by brushing your elbows past your ribs.

Lateral Raises

8-12 reps or 30 second interval

  • Keeping your arms straight, raise them from a side-hangin position to a ‘T’ out from your shoulders. Slowly lower them back to your sides before repeating.

Bicep Curls

8-12 reps or 30 second interval

  • Stand or sit with your back straight and weights held down by your sides. Curl the weights up toward your shoulders by bending at the elbow.

Superset 1

Bent-over Fly’s

(dumbbells) 8-12 reps or 30 second interval

  • Hinge forward at the hip with a slight bend at the knee and feet spaced apart. Bring your hands from hanging near your knees outward into a ‘T’ shape by squeezing your shoulder blades together. This will look a lot like flapping your wings.

Upright Row

(dumbbells) 8-12 reps or 30 second interval

  • Using dumbbells or a kettlebell, stand with your weight in hand at your stomach and wrists facing inward. Raise the weight up toward your chin by bending your wrists and elbows. (Imagine a classic ho-down move)

Superset 2

Overhead Shoulder Press

8-12 reps or 30 second interval

  • Hold weights at your shoulders with wrists facing outward. Press the weights up over your head and slightly in front of you. You should be able to see the weights the whole time.

Ventral Raises

8-12 reps or 30 second interval

  • Start with weights held down in front of you with wrists facing inward. Lift your hands out straight in front of you to shoulder height.

4-Week Workout Plan

Depending on your current fitness level, strength training at home can either be aimed at making significant strength gains or at simply maintaining strength and tone throughout the body. With this 4 week plan, you can customize how your workouts work best for you and your goals. Because you may be limited on equipment to use at home, you may need to do longer stretches or more reps of each exercise to feel sufficiently worked out.


Chest and Triceps

  1. Chest Press - 8-12 reps or 30 second interval
  2. Decline Push-up (with bench and floor) - 8-12 reps or 45 second interval
  3. Triceps Kickbacks - 8-12 reps or 30 second interval


  1. Sumo Squat - 15-20 reps or 30 second interval
  2. Lateral Lunge - 15-20 reps or 45 second interval
  3. Calf Raise - 15-20 reps or 30 second interval


  1. Bicycle Crunch - 15-20 reps or 30 second interval
  2. Russian Twist - 15-20 reps or 30 second interval
  3. Plank - 30-60 second interval

Back & Shoulders

  1. Bent-over Rows - 8-12 reps or 30 second interval
  2. Lateral Raises - 8-12 reps or 30 second interval
  3. Bicep Curls - 8-12 reps or 30 second interval


Chest and Triceps

Superset 1

  1. Chest Fly - 8-12 reps or 30 second interval
  2. Triceps Push-up - 8-12 reps or 45 second interval

Superset 2

  1. Staggered Hand Push-ups - 8-12 reps or 45 second interval
  2. Triceps Dips - 8-12 reps or 30 second interval


Superset 1

  1. Deadlift - 15-20 reps or 30 second interval
  2. Step ups (on bench or sturdy chair) - 15-20 reps or 45 second interval

Superset 2

  1. Lateral Leg Raises - 15-20 reps or 45 second interval
  2. Glute Bridge - 15-20 reps or 30 second interval


Superset 1

  1. Standing Oblique Crunch - 15-20 reps or 45 second interval
  2. Inch Worm - 15-20 reps or 45 second interval

Superset 2

  1. Plank Jacks - 15-20 reps or 30 second interval
  2. Scissor Kicks - 15-20 reps or 30 second interval

Back & Shoulders

Superset 1

  1. Bent-over Fly’s (dumbbells) 8-12 reps or 30 second interval
  2. Upright Row - (dumbbells) 8-12 reps or 30 second interval

Superset 2

  1. Overhead Shoulder Press - 8-12 reps or 30 second interval
  2. Ventral Raises - 8-12 reps or 30 second interval

Week 1

Perform the entire routine twice separated by at least 2 days of rest or light other forms of exercise. Use about 60-70% of your max lifting abilities for each exercise and pyramid appropriately during the pyramid sections.

What this will look like:

Monday: Begin your workout with a light warm up. Complete the Circuit section of each body segment to fully warm up and begin working your muscle groups.

Once completed go back through each body segment and perform Supersets 1 and 2 consecutively for each. Cool down and stretch afterward.

Tuesday: Rest day. Try steady state cardio like walking or light jogging for about 30-45 min.

Wednesday: Recovery and stretch day. Focus some time and attention on stretching any sore muscles and walking to loosen any stiffness.

Thursday: Begin your workout with a light warm up. Complete the Circuit section of each body segment to fully warm up and begin working your muscle groups.

Once completed go back through each body segment and perform Supersets 1 and 2 consecutively for each. Cool down and stretch afterward.

Friday: Rest day. Walking or light jogging recommended for recovery and calorie burn.

Saturday: Try a yoga class or similar stretching and toning style workout.

Sunday: Full rest. No more than some walking if desired.

Week 2

Perform the entire routine twice separated by at least 2 days of rest or light other forms of exercise. Use about 75-80% of your max lifting abilities for each exercise and pyramid appropriately during the pyramid sections.

What this will look like:

Monday: Begin your workout with a light warm up. Complete the Circuit section of each body segment to fully warm up and begin working your muscle groups.

Once completed go back through each body segment and perform Supersets 1 and 2 consecutively for each. Cool down and stretch afterward.

Tuesday: Rest day. Try steady state cardio like walking or light jogging for about 30-45 min.

Wednesday: Recovery and stretch day. Focus some time and attention on stretching any sore muscles and walking to loosen any stiffness.

Thursday: Begin your workout with a light warm up. Complete the Circuit section of each body segment to fully warm up and begin working your muscle groups.

Once completed go back through each body segment and perform Supersets 1 and 2 consecutively for each. Cool down and stretch afterward.

Friday: Rest day. Walking or light jogging recommended for recovery and calorie burn.

Saturday: Try a yoga class or similar stretching and toning style workout.

Sunday: Full rest. No more than some walking if desired.

Week 3

Split the routine into 3 separate workouts: 1 day on chest and triceps, 1 day on legs and abs, 1 day on back and shoulders. Perform each section 2 times through at 70-80% of your max lifting abilities.

What this will look like:

Monday: Begin your workout with a light warm up. Complete the Circuit section of the Chest & Briceps section 2 times through.

Then complete the Supersets for Chest & Triceps 2 times each. Cool down and stretch afterward.

Tuesday: Rest day. Walking or light jogging recommended for recovery and calorie burn.

Wednesday: Begin your workout with a light warm up. Complete the Circuit section of the Legs section & Abs section 2 times through each.

Then complete the


for both the Legs section and Abs section. Cool down and stretch afterward.

Thursday: Rest day. Walking or light jogging recommended for recovery and calorie burn.

Friday: Begin your workout with a light warm up. Complete the Circuit section of the Back & Shoulders section 2 times through.

Then complete the Supersets for Back & Shoulders 2 times each. Cool down and stretch afterward.

Saturday: Try a yoga class or similar stretching and toning style workout.

Sunday: Full rest. No more than some walking if desired.

Week 4

Split the routine into 3 separate workouts: 1 day on chest and triceps, 1 day on legs and abs, 1 day on back and shoulders. Perform each section 2 times through at 75-85% of your max lifting abilities.

What this will look like:

Monday: Begin your workout with a light warm up. Complete the Circuit section of the Chest & Triceps section 2 times through.

Then complete the Supersets for Chest & Triceps 2 times each. Cool down and stretch afterward.

Tuesday: Rest day. Walking or light jogging recommended for recovery and calorie burn.

Wednesday: Begin your workout with a light warm up. Complete the Circuit section of the Legs section & Abs section 2 times through each.

Then complete the Supersets for both the Legs section and the Abs section. Cool down and stretch afterward.

Thursday: Rest day. Walking or light jogging recommended for recovery and calorie burn.

Friday: Begin your workout with a light warm up. Complete the Circuit section of the Back & Shoulders section 2 times through. Then complete the supersets for Back and Shoulders 2 times each. Cool down and stretch afterward.

Saturday: Try a yoga class or similar stretching and toning style workout.

Sunday: Full rest. No more than some walking if desired.

Final Word

Try doing this workout 2 or 3 times per week. If you are a beginner with strength training, understand that you may notice some weight loss in those first few weeks that either plateaus or even creeps back up afterward. Try not to be overly concerned about the scale and instead focus on being stronger and leaner. Oftentimes, women may even gain some weight with muscle gain.

If at any point you feel you are no longer challenging yourself, try upping your weights, increasing your reps, or upping intensity in other ways like speed or implementing intervals.

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